संपूर्ण वीएचडीएल कोड और वेरिलोग कोड: 27 महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य

 सामग्री :

Verilog मूल रूप से डिजिटल सर्किट की उत्तेजना और सत्यापन के लिए था, यह एक हार्डवेयर विवरण भाषा (एचडीएल) है। यहाँ, सभी कोड के साथ डिज़ाइन किया गया है डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप चाहे वीएचडीएल हो या वेरिलोग कोड।

नंद गेट्स का उपयोग करके डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए वेरिलॉग कोड

module nand_g(c, a, b); //*each module contains statements that defines the circuit, this module defies a NAND gate which is named as nand_g*//

input a, b; / a and b is the input variable to the NAND gate
output c; / output variable of NAND gate is defined
assign c = ~(a & b); / this assign is used to derive the value of c through a and b
endmodule /module end with endmodule statement

module not_g(e, f); / this block defines the NOT gate
input f; / f is the input variable to the NOT gate
output e; / e is the output variable of the NOT gate
assign e = ~f;

module d_ff_st(q_out, qbar_out, d_in, clk_in );
 //* this module defines a d flip flop which will be design with NAND gate and NOT gate *//
input d_in, clk_in; / input variable of D flip flop d_in is the data input and clk_in is the clock input 
output q_out, qbar_out; / output of the D flip flop q_out and qbar_out where q_out and qbar_out is compliment to each other

not_g  not_1(dbar, d_in); /NOT gate module is called with dbar and d_in parameter

nand_g nand_1(x, clk_in, d_in); /NAND gate module is called with x, clk_in and d_in parameter
nand_g nand_2(y, clk_in, dbar); /NAND gate module is called with y, clk_in and dbar parameter
nand_g nand_3(q_out, qbar_out, y); / NAND gate module is called
nand_g nand_4(qbar_out, q_out, x); / NAND agte module is called

एसिंक्रोनस रीसेट के साथ डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए वेरिलॉग कोड

module dflip_flop_asy_rst (q, d_in, clk_in, reset_in);

input d_in, clk_in, reset_in; / input variables  of the d flip flop is defined
output reg q; / output variable of the d flip flop is defined
always@ (posedge clk_in or posedge reset_in) 

//* always block is the block who's statements are executed sequentially here the block will executed when clk_in is in positive edge or reset_in is in positive edge *//

if (reset_in) / if reset_in is high or true then q <= 1'b0 
q <= 1’b0; / here 1'b0 means one bit number value zero
else / if reset_in is low or false then q<= d_in
endmodule / end of the module
अंजीर। D . का ब्लॉक आरेख फ्लिप फ्लॉप उपरोक्त वेरिलोग कोड से डिज़ाइन किया गया।

डेटाफ्लो मॉडलिंग का उपयोग करके डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए वेरिलॉग कोड

Dataflow modeling provides the descriptions of combinational circuits by their function rather
than by their gate structure.*//

module dflipflo (q, d_in, clk_in); / module defines d flip flop in data flow modelling

input clk_in, d_in ; / input variable of the d flip flop

output q; / output variable of the d flip flop

assign q = clk_in ? d_in : q; / if clk_in is true the q = d_in and if clk_in is flase the q = q

डी उफ्फ़
अंजीर। का आरेख डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप उपरोक्त डेटाफ्लो कोड के साथ डिज़ाइन किया गया।

डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप व्यवहार वेरिलोग कोड

//* Behavional is used when cicruit is sequential circuit it contain procedural statements *//
module dflip_flop_bh (q, d_in, clk_in); 

input d_in, clk_in; / input variable of d flip flop is defined
output reg q; / output variable of the d flip flop is defined

always @ (posedge clk_in) / the block is takes place continuously when clk_in is in its positive edge of the pulse

if(clk_in) / if clk_in is high or true then q<=d_in

डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप का उपयोग करके शिफ्ट रजिस्टर के लिए वेरिलोग कोड

//* this code is used to designed 4 bit shift register using d flip flop, here left to right shifting is taking place through this code*//
module shift_reg_LtoR (out, clock, reset_in, in);/ this module define left to right shift register of 4 bit

input in, clock, reset_in; / input variable is defined
output out;
output reg [3:0] s; / output varible s is defined as a register that can have 4 bit value

always@ (posedge clock, negedge reset_in) 
//* the sensitivity of this block is negative edge of reset_in or positive edge of clock *//
if(!reset_in) / if else statement
s<={ s [ 2 :0], in}; //* as s can have 4 bit value the s[2 : 0] has 3 bit and in has 1 bit, together they produce the 4 bit of s *// 
assign out= s[3];

डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप वेरिलोग कोड का उपयोग करके 4 बिट रिपल काउंटर

//* following code is for 4 bit ripple counter designed with d flip flop*//
module dff_r (input d_in, clk_in, rst_in, output reg q, output q_n); 
//* module define a d flip flop with clock, reset, d, as input, and q and qbar as output *// 

always@(posedge clk_in or negedge rst_in) //* this block sensitivity is positive edge of clk_in pulse or negative edge of rst_in *// 

if (! rst_in) / if rst_in is low or false the q is implemented with zero
q<= d_in;
 q_n <= ~q;

module ripple_c (input clk_in, rst_in, output [3:0] o); / this module define the ripple counter of 4 bit
wire q_0, qn_0, q_1, qn_1, q_2, qn_2, q_3, qn_3; / wire is used to define the output or input signal 

 //* implementing d flip flop module with different parameter 4 times *//
dff_r dff_0(.d_in(qn_0), .clik_in(clk_in), .rst_in(rst_in), .q(q_0), .q_n(qn_0));
dff_r dff_1(.d_in(qn_1), .clik_in(q_0), .rst_in(rst_in), .q(q_1), .q_n(qn_1));
dff_r dff_2(.d_in(qn_2), .clik_in(q_1), .rst_in(rst_in), .q(q_2), .q_n(qn_2));
dff_r dff_3(.d_in(qn_3), .clik_in(q_2), .rst_in(rst_in), .q(q_3), .q_n(qn_3));

assign o={qn_0, qn_1, qn_2, qn_3};


पॉजिटिव एज ट्रिगर डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप वेरिलोग कोड

module pos_edge_df (q, d_in, clk_in, rst_in);
 //* this module define d flip flop with q as output and data, clock and reset as input *//

input d_in, clk_in, rst_in; / input variable of the d flip flop is defined
output reg q; / output variable of the d flip flop is defined

always @ (posedge clk_in) / this block is implemented continuously with every positive edge of the clock pulse

if ( !rst_in) / if else statement
q<= 1’b0;

0000 1 संपादित 1
अंजीर। उपरोक्त कोड से डिजाइन किए गए डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप का ब्लॉक आरेख।

नेगेटिव एज ट्रिगर डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप वेरिलोग कोड

module pos_edge_df (q, d_in, clk_in, rst_in);  
//* this module define d flip flop with q as output and data, clock and reset as input *//

input d_in, clk_in, rst_in; / input variable of the d flip flop is defined
output reg q; / output variable of the d flip flop is defined

always @ (negedge clk_in) / this block is implemented continuously with every negative edge of the clock pulse

if ( !rst_in) / if else statement
q<= 1’b0;


स्ट्रक्चरल मॉडल का उपयोग करते हुए डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए वेरिलॉग कोड

/Structural model is used to integrate diffrenet blocks

module nand_gat(co, a, b); / this module defines NAND gate
input a, b; 
output co; 
assign co = ~( a & b); 

module not_gat(e, f); / this module defines NOT gate
input f; 
output e; 
assign e= ~f; 

module d_ff_strt(q,q_bar,d_in,clk_in); //* this module define d flip flop with q and qbar as output, and data and clock as input *//
input d_in, clk_in; / input variable of the d flip flop is defined
output q, q_bar; / output variable of the d flip flop is defined

not_gat not1 (d_bar, d_in); / here NOT gate module is implemented

/ next NAND gate module is implemented with different parameters 4 times
nand_gat nand1 (x, clk_in, d_in); 
nand_gat nand2 (y, clk_in, d_bar); 
nand_gat nand3 (q, q_bar, y); 
nand_gat nand4 (q_bar, q, x); 


डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप का उपयोग करके रिंग काउंटर के लिए वेरिलॉग कोड

module dffc (q_in, d_in, clk_in); / d flip flop module is defined
output reg q_o;
input d_in,c_in;

always@(posedge clk_in) / sensitivity is positive edge of the clock pulse
q_o = d_in;

module ring_counterdff (q_o, clk_in); / ring counter module is defined with d flip flop
inout [3:0]q_o;
input clk_in;

/ d flip flop module is implemented with different parameters 4 times
dffc df1(q_o[0], q_o[3], clk_in);
dffc df2(q_o[1], q_o[0], clk_in);
dffc df3(q_o[2], q_o[1], clk_in);
dffc df4(q_o[3], q_o[2], clk_in);

डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप का उपयोग कर टी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए वेरिलॉग कोड

module T_ff(q, t_in, clk_in, rst_in); / this module define T flip flop 

input t_in, clk_in, rst_in; / input variable of the t flip flop is defined
output q; / output variable of the t flip flop is defined

always @ (posedge clk_in) / sensitivity of this block is positive edge of the clock pulse

टेस्टबेंच के साथ डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप वेरिलोग कोड

//* following code is the test bench for a d flip flop is does not have any input or the output as variable, it's purposes is of exercising and verifying the functional correctness of the hardware model *//
module d_flipflopt_b;

reg d_in;
reg clk_in;
wire q;

d_flipflop_mod uut (.q(q),.d_in(d_in), .clk_in(clk_in) );
initial begin
d_in = 0;
clk_in = 0;

always #3 clk_in=~clk_in;
always #5 d_in=~d_in;
initial                     #100 $stop;


मास्टर स्लेव डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप वेरिलोग कोड

module M_slave(d_in, reset_in,clk_in, q ,q_bar);/ this module define the master slave of d flip flop
 input d_in, clk_in ,reset_in;
 output q, q_bar; 
 Master Maste_r(d_in, reset_in, clk_in, qn, q_barn); / implementing master d flip flop module 
 Master Slav_e(q_n,reset_in,!clk_in,q, q_bar); / implementing slave d flip flop module

module Master(d_in, reset_in, clk_in, q_in, q_bar); / this module defines d flip flop
 input d_in, reset_in, clk_in;
 output reg q, q_bar;
  q = 0;
always @(posedge clk_in) begin
  if (~reset_in) begin
   q <= d_in;
   q_bar <= !d_in;
else begin
   q <= 1'bx;
   q_bar <= 1'bx;



डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप वेरिलोग कोड का उपयोग करके जेके फ्लिप फ्लॉप

module D_flip_flopf (input D_in ,clk_in ,Reset_in, enable_in,  output reg Fo); / this module define D flip flop
    always @(posedge clk_in) begin
        if (Reset_in)
            Fo <= 1'b0;
        else if (enable) 
            Fo <= D_in;

module JK_flip_flopf (input J_in, K_in ,clk_in, Reset_in, enable_in, output Q); / this module defines JK flip flop
    wire S_1,S_2,S_3,S_4,S_5;
    D_flip_flopf D1(S_4, clk_in, Reset_in,enable_in, Q );

    not N2(S_5, Q);
    and A1(S_1, J_in ,S_5);
    not N1(S_3, K_in);
    and A2(S_2,S_3,Q);
    or O1(S_4,S_1,S_2);

डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप वेरिलोग कोड का उपयोग करके फ्रीक्वेंसी डिवाइडर

module freq_div_by2 (clk_out, clk_in, reset_in); //* this module defines frequency divider which can devide the frequency by 2 *//
input clk_in, reset_in;
output reg clk_out;
always @ (posedge clk_in)
else clk_out<=~clk_out;
FRQ DIV D FF संपादित
अंजीर। आवृत्ति का ब्लॉक आरेख विभक्त सर्किट डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के साथ डिजाइन किया गया।

डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप वेरिलोग कोड गेट लेवल

module dffgate(D_in, CLK_in, Q ,Q_n);
    input D_in, CLK_in;
    output Q, Q_n;
    reg Q, Q_n, Ro, So;

always @(negedge CLK_in) begin
    Ro = ~(~(~(D_in|So)|Ro)|CLK_in);
    So = ~(~(D_in|So)|Ro|CLK_in); 
    Q = ~(Ro|Q_n);
    Q_n = ~(So|Q);

छवि क्रेडिट: "बाइनरी कोड" by क्रिस्टियान कोलेन के तहत लाइसेंस प्राप्त है सीसी द्वारा एसए 2.0

डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए वीएचडीएल कोड

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity d_flip_flop is 
port (d_in, clk_in: in std_logic; q, q_bar: out std_logic);
end d_flip_flop;

architecture beh_v of d_flip _flop is 
signal qn, q_barn: std_logic;
Process (d_in, clk_in)
If (clk_in’ event and clk_in = ‘1’)
then qn <=d_in;
end if;
End process;
q_bar<=not (qn);
end beh_v;

डेटाफ्लो मॉडलिंग का उपयोग करके डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए वीएचडीएल कोड

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity d_flip_flop is 
port (d_in, clk_in: in std_logic; q_in, q_out: inout std_logic);
end d_flip_flop;

architecture data_f of d_flip_flop is
signal d_1, s_1, r_1: std_logic;
s_1 <= d_in nand clk_in;
d_1 <= d_in nand d_in;
r_1 <= d_1 nand clk_in;
q_in <= s_1 nand q_out;
q_out <= r_1 nand q_in;
end data_f;

स्ट्रक्चरल मॉडल का उपयोग करके डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए वीएचडीएल कोड

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity d_f _f_st is 
port (d_in, clk_in: in std_logic; q_in, q_out: inout std_logic);
end d_f_f_st;

architecture d_ff_s of d_f_f_st is
component nand_1
port (a, b : in std_logic; c : out std_logic);

n_0: nand_1 port map(d_in, clk_in, s_1);
n_1: nand_1 port map(d_in, d_in, d_1);
n_2: nand_1 port map(d_1, clk_in, r_1);
n_3: nand_1 port map(s_1, q_out, q_in);
n_4: nand_1 port map(r_1, q_in, q_out);
end d_ff_s;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity nand_1 is
port (a, b: in std_logic; c: out std_logic);
end nand_1;

architecture beha_v of nand 1 is 
c<= a nand b;
end beha_v;

डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप व्यवहार VHDL कोड

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity d_flip_flop_bh is
port (d_in, clk_in, rst_in: in std_logic; q_in, q_out: out std_logic);
end d_flipflop_bh;

architecture beh_v of d_flip_flop_bh is 
process(d_in, clk_in, rst_in)
If (rst_in = ‘1’) then q_in <= ‘0’;
else if (rising_edge(clk_in)) then q_in <= d_in;
q_out<= not d_in;
end if;
end process;
end beh_v;

एसिंक्रोनस रीसेट के साथ डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए वीएचडीएल कोड

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity d_ff_asy_rst is
port (d_in, clk_in, reset_in: in std_logic; q_out: out std_logic);
end d_ff_asy_rst;

architecture beha_v of d_ff_asy_rest is 
if (reset_in = ‘0’) then q_out<=’0’;
elseif (clk_in’ event and clk_in= ‘1’)
end if;
end process;
end beha_v;

सिंक्रोनस रीसेट के साथ डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए वीएचडीएल कोड

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity d_syn_reset
port( d_in, reset_in, clk_in: in std_logic; q_out: out std_logic);
end d_syn_reset;

architecture beha_v of d_syn_reset is
wait until (clk_in’ event and clk_in =’1’)
if reset_in = ‘0’ then q_out<=’0’;
q_out<= d_in;
end if;
end process;
end beha_v;

नेगेटिव एज ट्रिगर डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए वीएचडीएल कोड

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity d_ff_neg is
port (d_in, clk_in: in std_logic; q_out: out std_logic);
end d_ff_neg;

architecture beha_v of d_ff_neg is
begin process (clk_in) begin
if (clk_in’ event and clk_in = ‘0’) then
q_out<= d_in;
end if;
end process;
end beha_v; 

वीएचडीएल में डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप के लिए टेस्ट बेंच

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity d_flip_flop_test is
end d_flip_flop_test;

architecture behaviour of d_flip_flop_test is
component d_flip_flop_test
port( d_in: in std_logic; clk_in : in std_logic; rst_in: in std_logic; d_out: out std_logic);
end component;
signal d_in: std_logic:= ‘0’;
signal clk_in : std_logic:= ‘0’;
signal rst_in: std_logic:= ‘1’;
signal d_out: std_logic;
constant clk_p: time:=20ns;
uut: d_flip_flop_test
port map(d_in=>d_in; clk_in => clk_in; rst_in=> rst_in; d_out=> d_out);
clk_p: process begin
wait for clk_p/2;
wait for clk_p/2;
end process;
sti_prc: process
wait for 50 ns;
rst_in<= ‘0’;
d_in <= ‘0’;
wait for 50ns;
d_in<= ‘1’;
end process;

डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप वीएचडीएल कोड का उपयोग करके 4 बिट शिफ्ट रजिस्टर

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity p_I_p_o is
 Clk_in: in std_logic;
 D_in: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 Q_1: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
end p_I_p_o;

architecture archi of p_I_p_o is
 process (clk)
 if (CLK_in'event and CLK_in='1') then
 Q_1 <= D_in;
 end if;
 end process;
end archi;

8 बिट के लिए वीएचडीएल कोड डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप का उपयोग करके रजिस्टर करें

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity reg_sip_o is
port (clk_in, clear : in std_logic; input_d : in std_logic; q: out std_logic vector (7 downto 0 ) );
end reg_sip_o;

architecture arch of reg_sip_o is 
process (clk_in)
If clear = ‘1’ then 
q<= “00000000”;
 elseif (clk_in’ event and clk_in = ’1’ ) then
q(7 downto 1)<= q(2 downto 0);
q(0)<= input_d;
end if;
end process;
end arch;

डी फ्लिप फ्लॉप का उपयोग करके एसिंक्रोनस काउंटर के लिए वीएचडीएल कोड

//*following is the VHDl code for a asynchoronous counter designed with d flip flop *//
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity dff1 is
port (d_in, clk_in ,clr_in : in std_logic; q, q_bar : inout std_logic);
end dff1;

architecture my_dffbharch of dffl is
process (d_in, clk_in, clr_in)
if (clr_in  = '1') then
if (clk_in  = '1') AND (clk_in'EVENT)  then
q <= d_in;
q_bar <= not (d_in);
end if;
q <= '0';
q_bar <= '1';
end if;
end process;
end my_dffbharch;

library IEEE;

entity dcoun is
port(clk_in, clr_in :in std_logic;
q, q_b:inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end dcoun;

architecture arch of dcoun is
component dff1 is
port(d_in, clk_in, clr_in :in std_logic;
qi, q_bar:out std_logic);
end component;
signal k ,p , m :std_logic;
k<=qi (0);
p<=qi (1);
m<=qi (2);
a1:dff1 port map('1','1', rst_in, clk_in , qi(0),q_b(0));
a2:dff1 port map('1','1', rst_in,k,q(1),q_b(1));
a3:dff1 port map('1','1', rst_in, p, qi(2), q_b(2));
a4:dff1 port map('1','1', rst_in, m,qi(3), q_b(3));
end arch;

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